It is time to explore some oils. I have always been fascinated by  different oils that is available in the stores. You can find these aromatherapy oils in drug stores itself. Make sure it is 100% pure, if you want to buy it.  Before going to bed, I always apply Jojoba (pronounced ‘hohoba’ )oil on my hand to make it softer. It has almost become my daily routine.  

I have oily skin  in summer and a combination skin in winter. It really drives me  crazy  trying to pick up the product suitable for my skin. 

Lately I have been having some acne problems on my neck region. As I  always prefer 100 % natural  for my skin problems,I have been reading the benefits of  Tea Tree oil as a natural remedy for getting rid of acne. 

Jojoba oil*- 2 tbsp
Tea Tree oil*-4 drops
Ceramic Bowl-1

In a ceramic bowl, mix together the above oils. Then gently massage the  above mixture on the face and on the neck in small circles for about 5 minutes. Then  gently wipe the entire face and the neck region with a warm clean towel.You will see an immediate brightening of  the skin. I would recommend you to try before bedtime.It is good moisturizer for acne prone or oily skin.

Jojoba oil+ Tea Tree Oil= A very good moisturizer.

I will post some recipes of using Jojoba oil in Hair care.

Golden Rule: 
Never touch or break your acne with your fingers.I have done it in my teen years. I am having scars of that.:-(

*Kindly refer to the Glossary page for the information on the ingredients.